Sunday, August 9, 2009

Alexander the Great in Egypt

Egypt – In front of the Great Pyramids

In 332 BCE, in Egypt, the most dazzling and spectacular celebration of any kind to the known world is taking place. Countless royal ships are crossing the Nile and they are approaching the Great Pyramids. Alexander is named Pharaoh in front of a cheering crowd that names him liberator. The Egyptian Priests adorn Alexander with two golden horns and the crowd celebrates him as the son of Ammon Zeus. Alexander has reached the peak of his glory.

Egyptians: Here comes Alexander; Alexander, liberator of Egypt, welcome.

Mazakes: King Alexander, I bestow Egypt to you.

Alexander: And because the gods brought me here, I will build a great city here.

Mazakes: And where are you going to build this city, Alexander?

Alexander: At the delta of the Nile River; Alexandria… did you here Dinocratus?

Dinocratus: It will be the brightest harbor across the Mediterranean.

Ptolemy: Alexander, king of Egypt, let me stay here.

Alexander: Ptolemy, I need you with me, but as soon as this campaign is over, Egypt will be yours.

Ptolemy: I thank you, my king.

Psammon: Alexander, son of Ammon Zeus, the Emerald Board of the Glorious Hermes. Whoever is looking for it, must not stop before he finds it; and when he finds it, he will be stunned; and when he is stunned, he will be astounded and he will rule the universe.

Alexander: I will send this knowledge to my teacher Aristotle, along with the secrets of the peoples of Atlantis.

Psammon: The people of Egypt christen you Pharaoh Alexander.

Egyptians: Glory to Egypt’s Pharaoh Alexander.....